You've heard about C language, C ++, and here we present you C #!
Another language will you say to me? Yes, but not just any!
There are hundreds of programming languages, such as C, C++, Python, Java ... Each has its advantages and disadvantages. The C # (also written C Sharp and pronounced "this sharp" or "sharp ci") may be just another language in your eyes, but it is actually very important in the world of programming !
So, what characterizes the C #?
Recent: It was created by Microsoft in the early 2000s, making it a fairly young language (compared to C, C ++ and Java).
Ideal under Windows & Windows Phone 7: it is the recommended language to develop under Windows today, but it is also used to create Windows Phone 7 applications for Silverlight, ASP ...
Free: the language is open, and we can use it to develop applications in particular Linux. The fact that it comes from Microsoft does not prevent him from having his share of aficionados in the world of free.
Inspired by Java: even if it has its specificities, it looks more globally more Java than C or C ++ contrary to what its name might suggest.
Associated with the .NET framework: a single language like C# does not do much. It is generally associated with a toolbox called the .NET framework (also written Dot NET and pronounced "net dot") that offers all the possibilities that can be imagined: network access, creation of windows , call to a database ...
Appreciated in business: if Java remains one of the most used languages in business, C # is a serious challenger. It is today a sought competence in company.
Variables : What is it ?
As its name suggests, a variable is something that varies. Its most common representation is a box that contains information.
The two essential elements of a variable are its value (and therefore its type) and its name. We'll talk about the guys right after that.
The name is you who fix it; it is unique and allows to identify only one variable. Value, meanwhile, can be almost anything, and can be changed as much as you want. To schematize, the variable is the box, its name is written on it, its value is what it contains, and its type is the shape of the box.
Give a name to its variables
In C #,
- the name of a variable is obligatorily written with alphanumeric characters (preferably without accent), as well as the underscore '_' (without the apostrophes): abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789;
- the name must begin with a letter (underscore '_' included);
- the name must not be the name of a type or class already defined, a keyword of the language, ... (it must not be already taken). In short, confusion must not be possible.
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