Download free C# tutorial course in PDF, training file in 164 chapters and 808 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.
Table of contents
- About
- Getting started with C# Language
- Creating a new console application (Visual Studio)
- Creating a new project in Visual Studio (console application) and Running it in Debug mode
- Creating a new program using NET Core
- Creating a new program using Mono
- Creating a new query using LinqPad
- Creating a new project using Xamarin Studio
- Literals
- uint literals
- int literals
- sbyte literals
- decimal literals
- double literals
- ?oat literals
- long literals
- ulong literal
- string literals
- char literals
- byte literals
- short literal
- ushort literal
- bool literals
- Operators
- Overloadable Operators
- Overloading equality operators
- Relational Operators
- Implicit Cast and Explicit Cast Operators
- Short-circuiting Operators
- ? : Ternary Operator
- ? (Null Conditional Operator)
- "Exclusive or" Operator
- default Operator
- Assignment operator '='
- sizeof
- ?? Null-Coalescing Operator
- Bit-Shifting Operators
- => Lambda operator
- Class Member Operators: Null Conditional Member Access
- Class Member Operators: Null Conditional Indexing
- Post?x and Pre?x increment and decrement
- typeof
- Binary operators with assignment
- nameof Operator
- Class Member Operators: Member Access
- Class Member Operators: Function Invocation
- Literals
- Conditional Statements
- Equals and GetHashCode
- Null-conditional Operators
- Verbatim Strings
- String.Format
- String Manipulation
- String Escape Sequences
- Regex Parsing
- Arrays
- Enum
- Guid
- Collection Initializers
- Looping
- IEnumerable
- Built-in Types
- Anonymous types
- Type Conversion
- Nullable types
- Access Modifiers
- Static Classes
- Dependency Injection
- Object initializers
- Extension Methods
- Named and Optional Arguments
- Keywords
- Recursion
- XML Documentation Comments
- Inheritance
- Using Statement
- IDisposable interface
- Reflection
- IQueryable interface
- Linq to Objects
- LINQ Queries
- Parallel LINQ (PLINQ)
- XmlDocument and the System.Xml namespace
- XDocument and the System.Xml.Linq namespace
- C# 7.0 Features
- C# 6.0 Features
- C# 5.0 Features
- C# 4.0 Features
- C# 3.0 Features
- Exception Handling
- NullReferenceException
- Handling FormatException when converting string to other types
- Read & Understand Stacktraces
- Diagnostics
- Overflow
- Getting Started: Json with C#
- Using
- Lambda expressions
- Generic Lambda Query Builder
- Properties
- Initializing Properties
- INotifyPropertyChanged interface
- Events
- Expression Trees
- Overload Resolution
- BindingList<T>
- Preprocessor directives
- Structs
- Attributes
- Delegates
- File and Stream I/O
- Networking
- Performing HTTP requests
- Reading and writing .zip files
- FileSystemWatcher
- Access network shared folder with username and password
- Asynchronous Socket
- Action Filters
- Polymorphism
- Immutability
- Indexer
- Checked and Unchecked
- Stream
- Timers
- Stopwatches
- Threading
- Async/await, Backgroundworker, Task and Thread Examples
- Async-Await
- Synchronization Context in Async-Await
- BackgroundWorker
- Task Parallel Library
- Making a variable thread safe
- Lock Statement
- Yield Keyword
- Task Parallel Library (TPL) Dataflow Constructs
- Functional Programming
- Func delegates
- Function with multiple return values
- Binary Serialization
- ICloneable
- IComparable
- Accessing Databases
- Using SQLite in C#
- Caching
- Code Contracts
- Code Contracts and Assertions
- Structural Design Patterns
- Creational Design Patterns
- Implementing Decorator Design Pattern
- Implementing Flyweight Design Pattern
- System.Management.Automation
- System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection
- C# Authentication handler
- Pointers
- Pointers & Unsafe Code
- How to use C# Structs to create a Union type (Similar to C Unions)
- Reactive Extensions (Rx)
- AssemblyInfo.cs Examples
- Creating a Console Application using a Plain-Text Editor and the C# Compiler (csc.exe)
- CLSCompliantAttribute
- ObservableCollection<T>
- Hash Functions
- Generating Random Numbers in C#
- Cryptography (System.Security.Cryptography)
- ASP.NET Identity
- Unsafe Code in .NET
- C# Script
- Runtime Compile
- Interoperability
- .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn)
- ILGenerator
- T4 Code Generation
- Creating Own MessageBox in Windows Form Application
- Including Font Resources
- Import Google Contacts
- Garbage Collector in .Net
- Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices
- Windows Communication Foundation
It is a free C# ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many C# developers and contributors.
The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA
Size : | 5.84 MB |
Downloads: | 444 |
Created: | 2019-04-30 |
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