This tutorial is designated to learn the C# language and think like a programmer ,it's a free PDF document under 1122 pages for all level users.
Table of contents
- Introduction to Programming
- Introduction to C#
- The dot NET Platform and C#
- Visual Studio IDE
- Alternatives to Visual Studio
- Decompiling Code
- Primitive Types and Variables
- Data Types and variables
- Operators and Expressions
- Exercices
- Type Conversion and Casting
- Expressions
- Console Input and Output
- Standard Input-Output
- Printing to the Console
- Conditional Statements
- Comparison Operators and Boolean Expressions
- Conditional Statements 'if' and 'if-else'
- Conditional Statement 'switch-case'
- While Loops
- Do-While Loops
- For Loops
- Exercices
- Creating and Using Objects
- Exception Handling
- Strings and Text Processing
- Sample Programming
- Conclusion
Size : | 11,261.81 Kb |
Downloads: | 4718 |
Created: | 2015-11-17 |
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