Android Concepts and Programming

Download Android tutorial in PDF ,free training course document under 40 pages By Kartik Sankaran.

This course will help you quickly get started with Android programming.

Table of contents

  • Introduction to Android
  • Simple Android Apps
  • Introduction to Sensors
  • Simple Sensor App
  • What is Android?
  • Why Linux?
  • Android Version History
  • How does Android manage Applications?
  • How to write Applications?
  • Your first Android program
  • Installation Steps
  • Install Android 'APIs'
  • Install an IDE (Eclipse)
  • Install phone's device drivers
  • Creating an Android project
  • Turn on USB debugging on the phone
  • Build (compile) your App
  • Install App on phone
Size : 2,393.18 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 678
Created: 2015-12-28

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