A Practical Introduction to Python Programming

Download free course A Practical Introduction to Python Programming, pdf file on 263 pages by by Brian Heinold.
This book started out as about 30 pages of notes for students in my introductory programming class at Mount St. Mary's University. Most of these students have no prior programming experience, and that has affected my approach. I leave out a lot of technical details and sometimes I oversimplify things. Some of these details are filled in later in the book, though other details are never filled in. But this book is not designed to cover everything, and I recommend reading other books and the Python documentation to fill in the gaps.

The style of programming in this book is geared towards the kinds of programming things I like to do - short programs, often of a mathematical nature, small utilities to make my life easier, and small computer games. In fact, the things I cover in the book are the things that I have found most useful or interesting in my programming experience, and this book serves partly to document those things for myself. This book is not designed as a thorough preparation for a career in software engineering. Interested readers should progress from this book to a book that has more on computer science and the design and organization of large programs.

Table of contents

  • Basics
  • Getting Started
  • For loops
  • Numbers
  • If statements
  • Miscellaneous Topics I
  • Strings
  • Lists
  • More with Lists
  • While loops
  • Miscellaneous Topics II
  • Dictionaries
  • Text Files
  • Functions
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Graphics
  • GUI Programming with Tkinter
  • GUI Programming II
  • GUI Programming III
  • Further Graphical Programming
  • Intermediate Topics
  • Miscellaneous topics III
  • Useful modules
  • Regular expressions
  • Math
  • Working with functions
  • The itertools and collections modules
  • Exceptions
Pages : 263
Size : 2.1 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 77
Created: 2022-02-01
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Author(s): by Brian Heinold
A Practical Introduction to Python Programming

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