Think Perl 6

Want to learn how to program and think like a computer scientist? This practical guide gets you started on your programming journey with the help of Perl 6, the younger sister of the popular Perl programming language. Ideal for beginners, this hands-on book includes over 100 exercises with multiple solutions, and more than 1,000 code examples so you can quickly practice what you learn. Experienced programmers - especially those who know Perl 5 - will also benefit. Divided into two parts, Think Perl 6 starts with basic concepts that every programmer needs to know, and then focuses on different programming paradigms and some more advanced programming techniques. With two semesters worth of lessons, this book is the perfect teaching tool for computer science beginners in colleges and universities. Learn basic concepts including variables, expressions, statements, functions, conditionals, recursion, and loops; Understand commonly used basic data structures and the most useful algorithms; Dive into object-oriented programming, and learn how to construct your own types and methods to extend the language; Use grammars and regular expressions to analyze textual content; Explore how functional programming can help you make your code simpler and more expressive.
Download free tutorial in PDF (466 pages) created by Laurent Rosenfeld .
Pages : 466
Size :
File type : HTML
Downloads: 253
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): Laurent Rosenfeld
Think Perl 6

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