Mastering AWS Development

This book is a practical guide to developing, administering, and managing applications and infrastructures with AWS. With this, you'll be able to create, design, and manage an entire application life cycle on AWS by using the AWS SDKs, APIs, and the AWS Management Console. You'll start with the basics of the AWS development platform and look into creating stable and scalable infrastructures using EC2, EBS, and Elastic Load Balancers. You'll then deep-dive into designing and developing your own web app and learn about the alarm mechanism, disaster recovery plan, and connecting AWS services through REST-based APIs. Following this, you'll get to grips with CloudFormation, auto scaling, bootstrap AWS EC2 instances, automation and deployment with Chef, and develop your knowledge of big data and Apache Hadoop on AWS Cloud. At the end, you'll have learned about AWS billing, cost-control architecture designs, AWS Security features and troubleshooting methods, and developed AWS-centric applications based on an underlying AWS infrastructure.
Download free tutorial in PDF (416 pages) created by Uchit Vyas .
Pages : 416
Size :
File type : PDF
Downloads: 164
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): Uchit Vyas
Mastering AWS Development

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