App Modernization on Azure Succinctly

Download free course App Modernization on Azure Succinctly, pdf file on 122 pages by by Lorenzo Barbieri.
What's the right way to move existing applications to the cloud to better use its power while enabling new features? In App Modernization on Azure Succinctly, Lorenzo Barbieri will help you understand how to modernize existing apps without completely rewriting them. This ebook will guide you through moving your app to the cloud, refactoring, rearchitecting, and choosing which cloud services will improve your app and experience. Most of the concepts in this book are also valid for a complete rewrite of an app directly in the cloud, or new apps built directly in the cloud.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Cloud Migration, IaaS to the Rescue!
  • Enjoy the Power of the Platform by Hosting Your App in Azure App Service
  • Rearchitect Your App with Container and Microservices
  • Unlimited Possibilities with Serverless
  • Modernize Your Apps with Advanced Cloud Services
  • Modernize Your Data
  • Monitor Performance and Costs of Our Cloud-Enabled App
Pages : 122
Size : 8.9 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 51
Created: 2022-02-01
License: For personal or educational use
Author(s): by Lorenzo Barbieri
App Modernization on Azure Succinctly

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