Windows 10 IT Pro Essentials: Top 10 Tools

Download free course Windows 10 IT Pro Essentials: Top 10 Tools, pdf file on 165 pages by Ed Bott.
Dive in to Windows 10 with award-winning journalist and Windows Expert Ed Bott in this highly curated free eBook covering the top apps, accessories, and utilities included in the box with Windows 10.

The sheer volume of Windows programs and accessories says a lot about the power and complexity of Windows - a fact that every IT pro knows from firsthand experience. There's a tool for nearly every task, and a large part of the process of becoming a Windows expert is knowing how to find the appropriate one when you need it.

This eBook contains descriptions and hands-on advice to help IT Pros work faster and smarter. Some of these tools are for everybody - end users and experts alike - whereas some are strictly for professionals. A few are so specialized that you'll only need them once in a blue moon. Collectively, though, they make up a toolbox that can save you (and your company) time and money.

Table of contents

  • Power tools for IT pros
  • File Explorer
  • Registry Editor
  • Event Viewer
  • Task Manager
  • Disk Management
  • Sysinternals Suite
  • Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset
  • Windows PowerShell and the Command Prompt
  • Hyper-V
  • Microsoft Azure
Pages : 165
Size : 10.0 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 76
Created: 2022-02-03
License: Microsoft Open
Author(s): Ed Bott
Windows 10 IT Pro Essentials: Top 10 Tools

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Windows 10 IT Pro Essentials: Top 10 Tools

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