Table of contents
- Getting started with AngularJS
- Modules
- Components
- Built-in directives
- Use of in-built directives
- Custom Directives
- How data binding works
- Angular Project - Directory Structure
- Filters
- Custom filters
- Constants
- Custom filters with ES6
- Directives using ngModelController
- Controllers
- Controllers with ES6
- The Self Or This Variable In A Controller
- Services
- Distinguishing Service vs Factory
- Angular promises with $q service
- Dependency Injection
- Events
- Sharing Data
- Form Validation
- Routing using ngRoute
- ng-class directive
- ng-repeat
- ng-style
- ng-view
- AngularJS bindings options (`=`, `@`, `&` etc.)
- Providers
- Decorators
- Print
- ui-router
- Built-in helper Functions
- digest loop walkthrough
- Angular $scopes
- Using AngularJS with TypeScript
- $http request
- Prepare for Production - Grunt
- Grunt tasks
- Lazy loading
- HTTP Interceptor
- Session storage
- Angular MVC
- SignalR with AngularJS
- Migration to Angular 2+
- AngularJS with data filter, pagination etc
- Profiling and Performance
- Performance Profiling
- Debugging
- Unit tests
- AngularJS gotchas and traps
Pages : | 201 |
Size : | 2.1 MB |
Downloads: | 201 |
Created: | 2022-02-01 |
License: | CC BY-SA |
Author(s): | by Stack Overflow Community |
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