Download free Angular JS tutorial course in PDF, training file in 52 chapters and 201 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.
Table of contents
- About
- Getting started with AngularJS
- Getting Started
- Showcasing all common Angular constructs
- The importance of scope
- Mini?cation in Angular
- AngularJS Getting Started Video Tutorials
- The Simplest Possible Angular Hello World
- Modules
- Modules
- Modules
- Components
- Basic Components and LifeCycle Hooks
- Components In angular JS
- Built-in directives
- Angular expressions - Text vs Number
- ngIf
- ngCloak
- ngRepeat
- Built-In Directives Cheat Sheet
- ngInclude
- ng-model-options
- ngCopy
- ngPaste
- ngClick
- ngList
- ngOptions
- ngSrc
- ngModel
- ngClass
- ngDblclick
- ngHref
- ngPattern
- ngShow and ngHide
- ngRequired
- ngMouseenter and ngMouseleave
- ngDisabled
- ngValue
- Use of in-built directives
- Hide/Show HTML Elements
- Custom Directives
- Creating and consuming custom directives
- Directive De?nition Object Template
- How to create resuable component using directive
- Basic Directive example
- Directive decorator
- Basic directive with template and an isolated scope
- Modules
- Built-in directives
- Custom Directives
- Angular Project - Directory Structure
- Custom filters
- Custom filters with ES6
- Controllers
- The Self Or This Variable In A Controller
- Distinguishing Service vs Factory
- Dependency Injection
- Sharing Data
- Routing using ngRoute
- ng-repeat
- ng-view
- Providers
- Built-in helper Functions
- Angular $scopes
- $http request
- Grunt tasks
- HTTP Interceptor
- Angular MVC
- Migration to Angular 2+
- Profiling and Performance
- Debugging
- AngularJS gotchas and traps
It is a free Angular JS ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many Angular JS developers and contributors.
The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA
Size : | 2.09MB |
Downloads: | 245 |
Created: | 2019-04-30 |
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