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Ruby PDF course

These courses teaches you the basics of Ruby on Rails, to get started smoothly. Ruby on Rails is a web framework based on the MVC design pattern and using the interpreted and object oriented Ruby programming language.

Ruby is a fully object-oriented, cross-platform interpreted language. In addition to being very intuitive, Ruby can be used as a scripting language in the same way as PERL or others, but its recent rise is mainly due to the appearance of Ruby on Rails, an extremely powerful web framework based on Ruby . These courses will teach you the basics of this language, its strengths, etc.

Installation and basic concepts

Let's see how to install Ruby on Windows.
Nothing too complicated, just go to Ruby's page, then click on "Downloads", and download the One-Click Installer for Windows. All you have to do is choose your installation directory and validate until the installation procedure is complete.

Ruby comes with two editors by default: SciTe and FreeRIDE.

To launch FreeRIDE (written entirely in Ruby), go to the Ruby installation directory, then to the "freeride" directory, and run "run.bat".

I prefer SciTe, but that only depends on personal considerations. To launch it, go to the Ruby installation directory, then to the "scite" directory, and run "SciTE.exe".

In Ruby, everything is object. Absolutely everything. An integer, a string, and even classes, as surprising as it may seem.

First steps

We will learn by experience. For that, we will use irb (Interactive Ruby).

Using irb, we will be able to test Ruby's basic syntax and directly view the result, without having to create a file containing our code (a .rb) and modify it each time. You just have to launch a DOS window (start -> run -> cmd), then type "irb" in the command prompt, and validate.

Manipulation of simple variables

The command prompt has changed. You can now directly type your orders. Try typing the following lines:

Here's what you should get on the screen:

irb (main): 001: 0> a = 2

=> 2
irb (main): 002: 0> b = 3
=> 3
irb (main): 003: 0> puts "a + b is worth" + (a + b) .to_s
a + b is 5
=> nil

Many things in this simple example. We have just created two variables, a and b, and assigned them values. Then we decided to display their sum using the puts method. So we display a string (the part in quotation marks), which we concatenate to another string using the + operator.

This second string is actually the result of the sum of our two variables (again this time using the + operator, which does not have the same function depending on the type with which it is used), which we let's convert to a string using the to_s method (to make concatenation possible, we need two identical types).

You will notice that nowhere have we defined the type of a or b. Ruby manages like a big one: it's the duck typing (it looks like a duck, it behaves like a duck, so it's a duck).


Ruby on Rails PDF Tutorial

Learn the basics of Ruby on rails programming language, free training document in 250 pages for all level users.

Submitted On : 2017-06-17

Taille : 1,728.43 Kb

Downloads : 1522

Learn Ruby on Rails, PDF Tutorial

This is a PDF tutorial about Ruby on Rails under 39 pages by Bhaskar Vaish, you will learn how to build web application using a Rails framework application.

Submitted On : 2017-06-17

Taille : 1,125.03 Kb

Downloads : 624

Getting Started with Ruby programming language

A complet tutorial about Ruby programming language under 594 pages for advanced level students, free training document in PDF by David Flanagan and Yukihiro Matsumoto.

Submitted On : 2017-04-01

Taille : 4,213.89 Kb

Downloads : 1361

Learning Ruby on Rails

This course aims to give you the basics to start ruby coding on the ruby on rails framework. It will teach you the logic to follow when performing a Ruby project, as well as the use of external resources (libraries, gem ...)

Submitted On : 2019-04-22

Taille : 2466.032 Kb

Downloads : 251

Ruby programming tutorial

Download free Ruby tutorial course in PDF, training file in 69 chapters and 235 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.

Submitted On : 2019-04-30

Taille : 1.87 MB

Downloads : 823

Ruby On Rails Programming Tutorial

Download free Ruby On Rails tutorial course in PDF, training file in 73 chapters and 231 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.

Submitted On : 2019-04-30

Taille : 2.06 MB

Downloads : 611

Essential Ruby

This book written to provide clear and concise explanation of topics for programmers both starting to learn the Ruby programming language as well as those diving in more complex topics. Most examples are linked to online playground that allows you to change the code and re-run it.

Submitted On : 2020-08-29

Taille :

Downloads : 62

Essential Ruby On Rails

This book written to provide clear and concise explanation of topics for programmers both starting to learn the Ruby On Rails programming as well as those diving in more complex topics. Most examples are linked to online playground that allows you to change the code and re-run it.

Submitted On : 2020-08-29

Taille :

Downloads : 68

Ruby Hacking Guide

The Ruby Hacking Guide is a book that explains how the ruby interpreter (the official C implementation of the Ruby language) works internally. To fully understand it, you need a good knowledge of C and Ruby. This book is going to investigate ruby as a whole.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille :

Downloads : 698

Ruby Regexp

Scripting and automation tasks often need to extract particular portions of text from inpu..., download free Ruby tutorial in PDF (72 pages) created by .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 250

I Love Ruby

Ruby is an easy to learn programming language, it was invented by a guy named Matz in Japa..., download free Ruby tutorial in PDF (314 pages) created by Karthikeyan A K .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 242


This book is a great collection of ideas, tricks, and skills that could be useful for Hack..., download free Ruby tutorial in PDF (281 pages) created by RubyFu .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 219

I Love Ruby

Download free course I Love Ruby, pdf file on 314 pages by Karthikeyan A K.

Submitted On : 2022-02-02

Taille : 6.4 MB

Downloads : 98

Learning Ruby on Rails

Download free course Learning Ruby on Rails, pdf file on 291 pages by Stack Overflow Community.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 2.6 MB

Downloads : 139

Ruby Best Practices

Download free course Ruby Best Practices, pdf file on 329 pages by Gregory T. Brown.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 4.0 MB

Downloads : 128

Ruby Kung Fu (RubyFu) Tutorial

Looking for a comprehensive guide to hacking using the Ruby programming language? Look no further than RubyFu, a free 281-page PDF download by RuFu.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 3.5 MB

Downloads : 122

Ruby Notes for Professionals

Download free course Ruby Notes for Professionals, pdf file on 234 pages by Stack Overflow Community.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 1.9 MB

Downloads : 187

Ruby on Rails Notes for Professionals

Download free course Ruby on Rails Notes for Professionals, pdf file on 230 pages by Stack Overflow Community.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 2.1 MB

Downloads : 114

Ruby Regexp

Download free course Ruby Regexp, pdf file on 72 pages by Sundeep Agarwal.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 0.5 MB

Downloads : 120

Using Blocks in Ruby

Download free course Using Blocks in Ruby, pdf file on 25 pages by Jay McGavren.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 2.0 MB

Downloads : 76