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Learn Ruby on Rails, PDF Tutorial

Learn Web Developments with Rails

Ruby enthusiastically and you want to realize web applications with? So get started with Ruby on Rails. Many emblematic sites of the last years were built on this techno, like Twitter or AirBnB.

Whether you are a young developer who wants to discover this framework, a seasoned developer wishing to add a string to your bow, or an entrepreneur wishing to prototype your product yourself, this course is for you!

Table of contents

Node.js is a prerequisite for the proper functioning of rails, it intervenes in the management of the JavaScript files of your future sites;

Rbenv is a program that allows installing any version of Ruby easily;

Gem is a program that comes with Ruby. It allows you to install other programs, such as Rails. 4.2.6 is the version of Rails we use today: the most recent version at the time I write these lines.

Size : 1,125.03 Kb
Downloads: 623
Created: 2017-06-17

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