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Android Programming Tutorials

This book shows you what you can do with Android, through a series of 40 individual exercises. It gives you hands-on instruction in how to build sophisticated Android applications, using many of the technologies outlined in CommonsWare's other Android books.

These exercises lead you through the basics of creating Android applications, all the way through many fun Android features like Internet access, location tracking, maps, integrated WebKit browsers, cameras, accelerometers, home screen widgets, and much more. Full source code to all the exercise answers is available, to help you if you get stuck. Android Programming Tutorials makes an excellent companion volume to more traditional Android books that merely tell you what is possible.

Pages : : 434 pages
Size : PDF (532 pages)
Downloads: 393
Created: 2020-08-27
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Author(s): Mark L. Murphy

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