Table of contents
- Getting started with Android
- Android Studio
- Instant Run in Android Studio
- TextView
- AutoCompleteTextView
- Autosizing TextViews
- ListView
- Layouts
- ConstraintLayout
- TextInputLayout
- CoordinatorLayout and Behaviors
- TabLayout
- ViewPager
- CardView
- NavigationView
- RecyclerView
- RecyclerView Decorations
- RecyclerView onClickListeners
- RecyclerView and LayoutManagers
- Pagination in RecyclerView
- ImageView
- VideoView
- Optimized VideoView
- WebView
- SearchView
- BottomNavigationView
- Canvas drawing using SurfaceView
- Creating Custom Views
- Getting Calculated View Dimensions
- Adding a FuseView to an Android Project
- Supporting Screens With Different Resolutions, Sizes
- ViewFlipper
- Design Patterns
- Activity
- Activity Recognition
- Split Screen / Multi-Screen Activities
- Material Design
- Resources
- Data Binding Library
- SharedPreferences
- Intent
- Fragments
- Button
- Emulator
- Service
- The Manifest File
- Gradle for Android
- FileIO with Android
- FileProvider
- Storing Files in Internal & External Storage
- Zip file in android
- Unzip File in Android
- Camera and Gallery
- Camera 2 API
- Fingerprint API in android
- Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE API
- Runtime Permissions in API-23 +
- Android Places API
- Android NDK
- DayNight Theme (AppCompat v23.2 / API 14+)
- Glide
- Dialog
- Enhancing Alert Dialogs
- Animated AlertDialog Box
- GreenDAO
- Tools Attributes
- Formatting Strings
- SpannableString
- Notifications
- AlarmManager
- Handler
- BroadcastReceiver
- UI Lifecycle
- HttpURLConnection
- Callback URL
- Snackbar
- Widgets
- Toast
- Create Singleton Class for Toast Message
- Interfaces
- Animators
- Location
- Theme, Style, Attribute
- MediaPlayer
- Android Sound and Media
- MediaSession
- MediaStore
- Multidex and the Dex Method Limit
- Data Synchronization with Sync Adapter
- PorterDuff Mode
- Menu
- Picasso
- RoboGuice
- Parcelable
- Retrofit2
- ButterKnife
- Volley
- Date and Time Pickers
- Localized Date/Time in Android
- Time Utils
- In-app Billing
- FloatingActionButton
- Touch Events
- Handling touch and motion events
- Detect Shake Event in Android
- Hardware Button Events/Intents (PTT, LWP, etc.)
- GreenRobot EventBus
- Otto Event Bus
- Vibration
- ContentProvider
- Dagger 2
- Realm
- Android Versions
- Wi-Fi Connections
- SensorManager
- ProgressBar
- Custom Fonts
- Getting system font names and using the fonts
- Text to Speech(TTS)
- Spinner
- Data Encryption/Decryption
- OkHttp
- Handling Deep Links
- Crash Reporting Tools
- Check Internet Connectivity
- Creating your own libraries for Android applications
- Device Display Metrics
- Building Backwards Compatible Apps
- Loader
- ProGuard - Obfuscating and Shrinking your code
- Typedef Annotations: @IntDef, @StringDef
- Capturing Screenshots
- MVP Architecture
- Orientation Changes
- Xposed
- PackageManager
- Gesture Detection
- Doze Mode
- Colors
- Keyboard
- RenderScript
- Fresco
- Swipe to Refresh
- Creating Splash screen
- IntentService
- Implicit Intents
- Publish to Play Store
- Universal Image Loader
- Image Compression
- 9-Patch Images
- Email Validation
- Bottom Sheets
- EditText
- Speech to Text Conversion
- Installing apps with ADB
- Count Down Timer
- Barcode and QR code reading
- Android PayPal Gateway Integration
- Drawables
- TransitionDrawable
- Vector Drawables
- VectorDrawable and AnimatedVectorDrawable
- Port Mapping using Cling library in Android
- Creating Overlay (always-on-top) Windows
- ExoPlayer
- XMPP register login and chat simple example
- Android Authenticator
- AudioManager
- AudioTrack
- Job Scheduling
- Accounts and AccountManager
- Integrate OpenCV into Android Studio
- MVVM (Architecture)
- ORMLite in android
- Retrofit2 with RxJava
- ShortcutManager
- LruCache
- Jenkins CI setup for Android Projects
- fastlane
- Define step value (increment) for custom RangeSeekBar
- Getting started with OpenGL ES 2.0+
- Check Data Connection
- Java on Android
- Android Java Native Interface (JNI)
- Notification Channel Android O
- Robolectric
- Moshi
- Strict Mode Policy: A tool to catch the bug in the Compile Time
- Internationalization and localization (I18N and L10N)
- Fast way to setup Retrolambda on an android project
- How to use SparseArray
- Shared Element Transitions
- Android Things
- Library Dagger 2: Dependency Injection in Applications
- JCodec
- Formatting phone numbers with pattern
- Paint
- What is ProGuard? What is use in Android?
- Create Android Custom ROMs
- Genymotion for android
- ConstraintSet
- CleverTap
- Publish a library to Maven Repositories
- adb shell
- Ping ICMP
- Android game development
- Android programming with Kotlin
- Android-x86 in VirtualBox
- Leakcanary
- Okio
- Bluetooth Low Energy
- Looper
- Annotation Processor
- SyncAdapter with periodically do sync of data
- Fastjson
- JSON in Android with org.json
- Gson
- Android Architecture Components
- Jackson
- Smartcard
- Security
- How to store passwords securely
- Secure SharedPreferences
- Secure SharedPreferences
- SQLite
- Accessing SQLite databases using the ContentValues class
- Firebase
- Firebase Cloud Messaging
- Firebase Realtime DataBase
- Firebase App Indexing
- Firebase Crash Reporting
- Twitter APIs
- Youtube-API
- Integrate Google Sign In
- Google signin integration on android
- Google Awareness APIs
- Google Maps API v2 for Android
- Google Drive API
- Displaying Google Ads
- AdMob
- Google Play Store
- Sign your Android App for Release
- TensorFlow
- Android Vk Sdk
- Project SDK versions
- Facebook SDK for Android
- Thread
- AsyncTask
- Testing UI with Espresso
- Writing UI tests - Android
- Unit testing in Android with JUnit
- Inter-app UI testing with UIAutomator
- Lint Warnings
- Performance Optimization
- Android Kernel Optimization
- Memory Leaks
- Enhancing Android Performance Using Icon Fonts
- Bitmap Cache
- Loading Bitmaps Effectively
- Exceptions
- Logging and using Logcat
- ADB (Android Debug Bridge)
- Localization with resources in Android
- Convert vietnamese string to english string Android
Pages : | 1329 |
Size : | 12.3 MB |
Downloads: | 170 |
Created: | 2022-02-01 |
License: | CC BY-SA |
Author(s): | by Stack Overflow Community |
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