This C ++ course is for beginners who have never programmed. Complet and free PDF document about C++ programming.
C ++ is one of the most famous languages in the world. Widely used, particularly in the video game industry, which appreciates its performance and its possibilities, C ++ is now essential for developers.
C ++ is the descendant of the C language. These two languages, although similar at first sight, are nevertheless different. C ++ offers new features, such as object-oriented programming (OOP). They make it a very powerful language that allows programming with a different approach to the C language.
Table of contents
- About the Book and the Course
- Introduction to Programming
- Coding
- Compiling and linking
- The First Steps with Visual C++
- Variables
- Declaring Variables
- Assignment
- Initiating Variables
- Constants
- The main function
- Input and Output
- An Entry Program
- Formatted Output
- Invoice Program
- Time Conversion Program
- Type Conversion
- The Random Number Generator
- Game Program
- Summary
- Exercises
- Selections and Loops
- Selection
- if statement
- Comparison Operators
- Even or Odd
- else if
- and (&&), or (||)
- Conditional Input
- The switch statement
- The while Loop
- The for Loop
- Addition Program
- Double Loop
Size : | 4115.271 Kb |
Downloads: | 1895 |
Created: | 2019-02-01 |
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