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C++ Hacker's Guide

Download free course C++ Hacker's Guide, pdf file on 231 pages by Steve Oualine .
An experienced programmer accumulates a set of tools, tricks, and techniques to make his or her programs better. C++ Hacker's Guide collects more than 120 of the best C++ veteran secrets and puts them in one accessible place. The techniques presented have all been used in actual programs, and more importantly, have made actual programs better. Full of real world, highly useful information, this book offers a career's worth of knowledge to round out any C++ programmer's repertoire. Topics include strategies to make code more memory safe, debuggable, efficient, and maintainable.

This book contains a collection of hacks born out of over forty years of programming experience. Here you'll find all sorts of hacks to make your programs more reliable, more readable, and easier to debug. In the true hacker tradition, this is the result of observing what works and how it works, improving the system, and then passing the information on.


Pages : 231
Size : 23.7 MB
Downloads: 251
Created: 2022-02-01
License: CC BY

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