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Learn Programming

Download free course Learn Programming, pdf file on 465 pages by Antti Salonen.
This book is aimed at readers who are interested in software development but have very little to no prior experience. The book focuses on teaching the core principles around software development. It uses several technologies to this goal (e.g. C, Python, JavaScript, HTML, etc.) but is not a book about the technologies themselves. The reader will learn the basics (or in some cases more) of various technologies along the way, but the focus is on building a foundation for software development. The book is your guided tour through the programming jungle, aiming to provide some clarity and build the foundation for software development skills.

Table of contents

Pages : 465
Size : 4.9 MB
Downloads: 92
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-SA
Author(s): Antti Salonen

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