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MSIX Succinctly

Download free course MSIX Succinctly, pdf file on 194 pages by Matteo Pagani.
MSIX, the packaging format introduced in Windows 10, is the perfect starting point to move your desktop applications forward. In MSIX Succinctly, IT pros can learn how to use MSIX to repackage their apps using the modern format, build modification packages, and utilize the Package Support Framework to change the logic of an app without changing its code. Matteo Pagani will also show developers how to repackage their apps directly from Visual Studio, integrate them with Windows 10's new features, flexibly deploy them, and use Azure DevOps to make updating more agile, too.

Table of contents

Pages : 194
Size : 6.5 MB
Downloads: 87
Created: 2022-02-03
License: For personal or educational use
Author(s): Matteo Pagani

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