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Computer Science Tapestry: Exploring Programming and Computer Science with C++

This book is designed for a first course1 in computer science that uses C++ as the language by which programming is studied. My goal in writing the book has not been to cover the syntax of a large language like C++, but to leverage the best features of the language using sound practices of programming and pedagogy in the study of computer science and software design. My intent is that mastering the material presented here will provide: A strong grounding in the analysis, construction, and design of programs and programming. A means for honing problem-solving skills associated with the study of computer programming and a taste of both the science and engineering aspects of programming. An introduction to computer science that gives the student more of an idea of what the discipline is about than most introductory programming texts.

Owen L. Astrachan is a professor of Computer Science at Duke University .

Pages : 880 pages
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Downloads: 82
Created: 2020-08-28
License: CC BY-SA 3.0 US
Author(s): Owen L. Astrachan

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