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You Don't Know JS Yet: Get Started - 2nd Edition

It's easy to learn parts of JavaScript, but much harder to learn it completely or even sufficiently whether you're new to the language or have used it for years. With the "You Don't Know JS" book series, you'll get a more complete understanding of JavaScript, including trickier parts of the language that many experienced JavaScript programmers simply avoid.

No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don't fully understand the language. As part of the "You Don't Know JS" series, this concise yet in-depth guide focuses on new asynchronous features and performance techniques including Promises, generators, and Web Workers that let you create sophisticated single-page web applications and escape callback hell in the process.

Pages : 88 pages
Size : HTML
Downloads: 760
Created: 2020-08-30
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Author(s): Kyle Simpson

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