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Learn ReactJS by example

Learn ReactJS by example, This example will use React-Bootstrap components.  

React-Bootstrap must be installed separately - visit the main page of the project for installation details.

Using React Bootstrap simplifies the example because common UI elements like progress bars don’t need to be created from scratch.

Apart from this, a tiny utility called classnames² will be used. It allows you to express CSS class set with conditionals in an easy way.

Of course the last element is the React library itself.


Define and understand the role of React.js in front-end development
• Understand the role and interest of React.js in web development
• Understand the basic features of React.js: virtual DOM, .jsx, components ...
• Identify the different uses of React.js and its ecosystem: Web application, embedded, native ...

Size : 803.231 Kb
Downloads: 928
Created: 2019-10-17

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