This is a free PHP PDF tutorial in 9 chapters and 29 pages. This course aims to give students the basics of PHP concepts.
This is a pretty short book, but we're going to cover a lot. In just a few pages, we're going to create a simple clone of Twitter.
Whilst it's not going to have the same feature-set and polish of the popular micro-blogging site, but we will be able to post 140 character messages with an account we will log into.
Table of contents
- Introduction
- The History Of PHP
- What Are We Going To Cover?
- All About LAMP
- Setting Up Your Development Environment
- Choosing The Right Text Editor
- Prerequisites
- Hello World!
- Does PHP Have To Be Surrounded By HTML?
- Basic Language Concepts
- Variables
- If Statements
- While Statements
- For Loops
- Functions
- Moving On
- Forms
- How Forms Work In HTML
- Creating Our First Form
- Handling This Input With PHP
- Databases
- MySQL Datatypes
- Varchar(x)
- Integer
- Other MySQL Datatypes
- Creating Our Database
- The Wrong Way To Query The Database
Size : | 1.09 MB |
Downloads: | 1485 |
Created: | 2019-05-03 |
Warning: Trying to access array offset on false in /home/tutovnfz/public_html/amp/article-amp.php on line 263
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