Table of contents
- About
- Getting started with WordPress
- Remarks
- Versions
- Examples
- Introduction to WordPress
- WordPress Themes
- Mapping URLs to specific templates
- Basic Theme Directory Structure
- Example of a "Single" (template for an individual post)
- Example of an "Archive" (template for a list of multiple posts)
- Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types, and Custom Fields
- Actions and Filters
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Remarks
- Examples
- add_action - init
- add_action - init - anonymous function
- add_action - init - within class object
- add_action - init - within static class
- Add Shortcode
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Remarks
- Examples
- Simple shortcode for recent post
- Advanced shortcode for recent posts
- Add/remove contact info for users with user_contactmethods filter hook
- Actions and Filters
- Add/remove contact info for users with user_contactmethods filter hook
- add_editor_style()
- add_submenu_page()
- Admin Dashboard Widgets
- Alternating main loop (pre_get_posts filter)
- Create a Post Programmatically
- Creating a custom template
- Custom Post Types
- Customizer Hello World
- Enqueuing scripts
- Function : wp_trim_words()
- get_bloginfo()
- get_option()
- get_template_part()
- get_template_part()
- get_the_title()
- How Can I integrate Markdown editor with Advance Custom Field's repeater Add-on.
- Installation and Configuration
- Meta Box
- Plugin development
- Querying posts
- Remove Version from Wordpress and Stylesheets
- Run WordPress local with XAMPP
- Security in WordPress - Escaping
- Shortcode
- Shortcodes
- Site Migration
- Template hierarchy
- The $wpdb Object
- The Loop (main WordPress loop)
- the_title()
- Themes
- Update WordPress Manually
- WordPress Plugin creation
- Wordpress theme and child-theme development
- wp_get_current_user()
- wp_get_current_user()
- WP_Query() Loop
- WP-Cron
It is a free WordPress ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many WordPress developers and contributors.
The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA
Size : | 3.13MB |
Downloads: | 451 |
Created: | 2019-05-02 |
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