Download free Angular 2 tutorial course in PDF, training file in 69 chapters and 232 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.
Table of contents
- About
- Getting started with Angular 2+
- Getting started with Angular 2 with nodejs/expressjs backend (http example included)
- Install angular2 with angular-cli
- Getting started with Angular 2 without angular-cli
- Getting through that pesky company proxy
- Keeping Visual Studios in sync with NPM and NODE Updates
- Let's dive into Angular 4!
- Components
- A simple component
- Templates & Styles
- Testing a Component
- Nesting components
- Component interactions
- Pass data from parent to child with input binding
- Parent - Child interaction using @Input & @Output properties
- Parent - Child interaction using ViewChild
- Bidirectional parent-child interaction through a service
- Directives
- *ngFor
- Attribute directive
- Component is a directive with template
- Structural directives
- Custom directive
- Copy to Clipboard directive
- Testing a custom directive
- Page title
- changing the page title
- Templates
- Angular 2 Templates
- Commonly built-in directives and services
- Location Class
- AsyncPipe
- Displaying current Angular 2 version used in your project
- Currency Pipe
- Directives & components : @Input @Output
- Angular 2 @Input and @Output in a nested component
- Input example
- Angular 2 @Input with asynchronous data
- Attribute directives to a?ect the value of properties on the host node by
- using the @HostBinding decorator
- @HostBinding
- How to Use ngif
- To run a function at the start or end of *ngFor loop Using *ngIf
- Display a loading message
- Show Alert Message on a condition
- Components
- Directives
- Templates
- Directives & components : @Input @Output
- How to Use ngif
- Angular - ForLoop
- Pipes
- Angular 2 Custom Validations
- Routing (3.0.0+)
- Installing 3rd party plugins with angular-cli@1.0.0-beta.10
- Angular RXJS Subjects and Observables with API requests
- Service Worker
- Optimizing rendering using ChangeDetectionStrategy
- Detecting resize events
- Feature Modules
- Lazy loading a module
- Bypassing Sanitizing for trusted values
- Angular 2 In Memory Web API
- CRUD in Angular 2 with Restful API
- Update typings
- ngrx
- Animation
- Angular 2 Animations
- Angular 2 CanActivate
- Example for routes such as /route/subroute for static urls
- Angular-cli
- Angular 2 Databinding
- Angular 2 provide external data to App before bootstrap
- Using third party libraries like jQuery in Angular 2
- Angular 2 using webpack
- Dropzone in Angular 2
- angular redux
- Creating an Angular npm library
- Barrel
- Testing an Angular 2 App
- angular-cli test coverage
- Debugging Angular 2 TypeScript application using Visual Studio Code
- unit testing
It is a free Angular 2 ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many Angular 2 developers and contributors.
The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA
Size : | 1.72MB |
Downloads: | 142 |
Created: | 2019-04-30 |
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