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XHTML, step by step

Get started working with Extensible Hypertext Markup Language. XHTML is a language based on HTML, but expressed in well-formed XML. However, XHTML has more to offer than just regularizing tags and characters -- XHTML can alter the way you approach Web design. This tutorial gives step-by-step instruction for developers familiar with HTML who want to learn how to use XHTML in practical Web sites.


Table of contents

The context surrounding XHTML
A language is always born in a particular context and it is usually the expression of a need that has been felt at a given moment. XHTML is no exception, and I would even add that we can not understand the value of this markup language without knowing the stakes of its existence.

A markup language
Before going further, you must understand a simple but often forgotten notion, even by insiders. XHTML is a markup language.

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Downloads: 351
Created: 2018-09-26

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