Node.js is a framework implementing, on the server side, version 8 of the Google JavaScript engine. The purpose of this PDF tutorial is to have an overview of Node.js and run your first program Hello World.
Node.js is the tool that web developers hear about all the time right now. There are those who know (and who seem to have fun using it) and there are those who say 'Well, it would be nice that I take a look, but I do not know by Where to start '.
To follow this course, you must already have a good level in JavaScript.
Download Free training document about Node.js under 16 pages intended to advanced level-users.
Table of contents
- About Node.js and Cloudant
- Why they're best friends
- Resources
- Intro to the library Node.js for Cloudant
- Questions
- Node.js and Cloudant
- Understanding Node.js
- Structuring your application Node.js
- Node.js: Server-Side and Small
- Node.js: Asynchronous, Rethought
- Node.js is single-threaded,but event-based
- Node.js: Stream It Like a Boss
- Cloudant: JavaScript Object Notation
- JavaScript All the Things
- Single-Language Stack
- Interactive Web apps create messy data
Size : | 2,256.80 Kb |
Downloads: | 1438 |
Created: | 2017-03-18 |
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