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Restful Web Services

You've built web sites that can be used by humans. But can you also build web sites that are usable by machines? That's where the future lies, and that's what RESTful Web Services shows you how to do. The World Wide Web is the most popular distributed application in history, and Web services and mashups have turned it into a powerful distributed computing platform. But today's web service technologies have lost sight of the simplicity that made the Web successful. They don't work like the Web, and they're missing out on its advantages.

This book puts the "Web" back into web services. It shows how you can connect to the programmable web with the technologies you already use every day. The key is REST, the architectural style that drives the Web.

Pages : 454 pages
Size : HTML, PDF, ePub, Mobi (Kindle), Daisy, etc
Downloads: 40
Created: 2020-08-30
License: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Author(s): Leonard Richardson, Sam Ruby

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