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Programming Fundamentals: A Modular Structured Approach Using C++

This book is an introduction to computer programming using C++ as the language for writing programmes, and to solid, fundamental programming principles - including writing structured programmes, looping, data structures and iteration.

The approach of this text is to take learners through a progression of materials in order to develop skills of modular, structured programming. The text was written, for the most part, without consideration of a specific programming language. However, in many cases the C++ language is discussed as part of the explanation of the concept. Often the examples used for C++ are exactly the same for the Java programming language.

Pages : 314 pages
Size : Multiple Formats: PDF, ePub, Kindle, Daisy, Text, DjVu, etc.
Downloads: 194
Created: 2020-08-30
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
Author(s): Kenneth Leroy Busbee

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