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Android on x86: An Introduction to Optimizing for Intel Architecture

This book is a one-stop reference guide to mindful programming and the unique challenges and opportunities that arise from x86 architectures. It compiles the best practices and procedures associated with application development for devices using Intel's popular line of microprocessors.

This book serves two main purposes. First, it makes the case for adapting your applications onto Intel's x86 architecture, including discussions of the business potential, the changing landscape of the Android marketplace, and the unique challenges and opportunities that arise from x86 devices. The fundamental idea is that extending your applications to support x86 or creating new ones is not difficult, but it is imperative to know all of the technicalities. This book is dedicated to providing you with an awareness of these nuances and an understanding of how to tackle them.

Pages : 380 pages
Size :
Downloads: 12
Created: 2020-08-27
License: SpringerOpen License
Author(s): Iggy Krajci (Author), Darren Cummings (Author)

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