Download free PDF tutorial about IOS programming, learn how to creat your IOS applications, this document is a complet training course in 893 pages.
Table of contents
- Getting started with iOS Development
- Creating a default Single View Application
- Hello World
- Xcode Interface
- Create your first program in Swift
- UILabel
- Create a UILabel
- Number of Lines
- Set Font
- Text Color
- Background Color
- Size to fit
- Text alignment
- Calculate Content Bounds (for ie dynamic cell heights)
- Label Attributed Text
- UILocalNotification
- Scheduling a local notification
- Presenting a local notification immediately
- Managing local notifications using UUID
- Registering for local notifications
- what's new in UILocalNotification with iOS
- Resizing UIImage
- Resize any image by size & quality
- Cut a UIImage into a circle
- Cut a image into a circle - Objective C
- SWIFT Example
- UITableView
- Self-Sizing Cells
- Taking a snapshot
- Create a UIView
- Shake a View
- Utilizing Intrinsic Content Size
- Programmatically manage UIView insertion and deletion into and from another UIView
- Create UIView using Autolayout
- Animating a UIView
- UIView extension for size and frame attributes
- Snapshot of UIView
- Getting the Snapshot
- Snapshot with subview with other markup and text
- UIAlertController
- UITextField Delegate
- Actions when a user has started/ended interacting with a textfield
- UITextField - Restrict textfield to certain characters
- UINavigationController
- with CoreBluetooth
- Core Data
- Profile with Instruments
- Application rating/review request
- MyLayout
- Simulator Builds
- Simulating Location Using GPX files iOS
- SqlCipher integration
- Security
Size : | 3038.017 Kb |
Downloads: | 205 |
Created: | 2019-04-30 |
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