Download free Xamarin tutorial course in PDF, training file in 37 chapters and 181 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.
Table of contents
- About
- Getting started with XamarinForms
- Installation (Visual Studio)
- Hello World Xamarin Forms: Visual Studio
- Why Xamarin Forms and When to use Xamarin Forms
- Why Xamarin Forms and When to use Xamarin Forms
- Xamarin Forms Layouts
- AbsoluteLayout
- Grid
- ContentPresenter
- ContentView
- ScrollView
- Frame
- TemplatedView
- RelativeLayout
- StackLayout
- Xamarin Relative Layout
- Box after box
- Page with an simple label on the middle
- Navigation in XamarinForms
- NavigationPage ?ow with XAML
- NavigationPage ?ow
- Master Detail Navigation
- Using INavigation from view model
- Master Detail Root Page
- Hierarchical navigation with XAML
- Modal navigation with XAML
- XamarinForms Page
- TabbedPage
- ContentPage
- MasterDetailPage
- XamarinForms Cells
- EntryCell
- SwitchCell
- TextCell
- ImageCell
- ViewCell
- XamarinForms Views
- Button
- DatePicker
- Entry
- Editor
- Image
- Label
- Using ListViews
- Pull to Refresh in XAML and Code behind
- Why Xamarin Forms and When to use Xamarin Forms
- Xamarin Relative Layout
- Xamarin.Forms Page
- Xamarin.Forms Views
- Display Alert
- DependencyService
- Caching
- Data Binding
- Custom Fonts in Styles
- Effects
- AppSettings Reader in Xamarin.Forms
- Working with local databases
- Exception handling
- Contact Picker - Xamarin Forms (Android and iOS)
- OAuth2
- Generic Xamarin.Forms app lifecycle? Platform-dependant!
- Platform specific visual adjustments
- Unit Testing
It is a free Xamarin ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many Xamarin developers and contributors.
The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA
Size : | 2.61 MB |
Downloads: | 2226 |
Created: | 2019-04-30 |
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