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Introduction to programming with Fortran 95

Introduction to programming with Fortran 95. This tutorial aim to provide an introduction to programming with Fortran 95. Fortran is particularly suitable for science and engineering.

Fortran is a programming language designed in the 1950s for scientific computing. It continues to be widely used in the field of scientific research for intensive computing. Unlike more advanced languages, the flow of individual machine operations remains relatively controllable in the language, which makes it possible to write codes that are relatively efficient in terms of calculation. Fortran has evolved a lot in recent years with the appearance of the Fortran 90 standard.

The recent norms (Fortran 95) are much richer but also much more difficult to understand than the Fortran 77 norm. We thus present here the fundamental bases of Fortran based mainly on Fortran 77 but using (implicitly or explicitly) some progress significant from the 90-95 standard.


Table of contents

Functions on tables

COUNT: Returns the number of TRUE elements in the mask: count (A> 0.)
ALL (MASK): Returns TRUE if all the elements of the mask are true: ALL (A <10.)
ANY (MASK): Returns TRUE if at least one element of the mask is true: ALL (A = 1.)
MAXVAL (A, MASK): Returns the maximum value of A hidden.
MINVAL (A, MASK): Returns the minimum value of A hidden.
PRODUCT (A, MASK): Returns the product of the elements of masked A.
SUM (A, MASK): Returns the sum of the elements of A masked.
MERGE (A, B, MASK): Returns an array containing A where the mask is TRUE

Size : 420.993 Kb
Downloads: 391
Created: 2018-05-21

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