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ASP.NET Core 2 Succinctly

Download free course ASP.NET Core 2 Succinctly, pdf file on 109 pages by by Simone Chiaretta, Ugo Lattanzi.
Since Microsoft sent shockwaves through its developer community with the release of .NET Core in 2016, it's continued to improve and expand its open-source, cross-platform offerings. ASP.NET Core 2 is a key component of that progress, delivering modularity, better performance, and flexibility to web development. In ASP.NET Core 2 Succinctly, authors Simone Chiaretta and Ugo Lattanzi guide you through what distinguishes ASP.NET Core 2 from previous versions, how to build projects using the framework, and how to deploy apps to IIS or Azure.

Table of contents

Pages : 109
Size : 4.8 MB
Downloads: 71
Created: 2022-02-01
License: For personal or educational use
Author(s): by Simone Chiaretta, Ugo Lattanzi

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