Download free PDF tutorial about the Java development environnement 'Eclipse' and Java ,this document will helps you to learn the basics of using Eclipse for writing Java programs.
This tutorial is targeted for people who are new to Eclipse and to Java.A complet training document by Mark Dexter.
Table of contents
- Create Your First Java Class
- Add Methods To Class
- Use Eclipse Scrapbook
- Eclipse for software development
- JUnit Testing in Eclipse
- JUnit Testing Continued
- Basics of Eclipse for Java development
- Java and object-oriented programming (OOP)
- Unit testing in Eclipse
- Using Test-First Development in Eclipse
- Create Book Class
- Add Person to Book Class
- Sample Java application
- MyLibrary Class and ArrayList
- Start on MyLibrary Class
- Create first methods in MyLibrary class
- How to install Eclipse
- How to import project
- Create checkOut, checkIn Methods
- Continue checkOut Method
- Finish checkOut Method
- Finish MyLibrary Methods
- expressions
- extends keyword
- extreme programming
- Create main Method and JAR File
- How to export project
- Refactor Menu, Eclipse
- remove method
- Create first methods in MyLibrary class
- Create checkOut, checkIn Methods
- Continue checkOut Method
- Finish checkOut Method
- Finish MyLibrary Methods
- Create main Method and JAR File
Excerpt from course :
package org.javaeclipse.tutorial;
public class Person { // fields
private String name; // name of the person
private int maximumBooks; // most books the person can check out
// constructors
public Person() {
name = 'unknown name';
maximumBooks = 3;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String anyName) {
name = anyName;
public int getMaximumBooks() {
return maximumBooks;
public void setMaximumBooks(int maximumBooks) {
this.maximumBooks = maximumBooks;
Size : | 304.68 Kb |
Downloads: | 476 |
Created: | 2016-01-18 |
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