Download Understanding Machine Learning tutorial, a complete eBook created by Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Shai Ben-David.
Machine learning is one of the fastest growing areas of computer science, with far-reaching applications. The aim of this textbook is to introduce machine learning, and the algorithmic paradigms it offers, in a principled way. The book provides an extensive theoretical account of the fundamental ideas underlying machine learning and the mathematical derivations that transform these principles into practical algorithms.
Following a presentation of the basics of the field, the book covers a wide array of central topics that have not been addressed by previous textbooks.
Table of contents
- Introduction
- What Is Learning?
- When Do We Need Machine Learning?
- Types of Learning
- Relations to Other Fields
- How to Read This Book
- Possible Course Plans Based on This Book
- Notation
- Part I Foundations
- A Formal Learning Model
- PAC Learning
- A More General Learning Model
- Releasing the Realizability Assumption – Agnostic PAC
- Learning
- The Scope of Learning Problems Modeled
- Summary
- Bibliographic Remarks
- Exercises
- Learning via Uniform Convergence
- Uniform Convergence Is Sufficient for Learnability
- Examples
- Threshold Functions
- Intervals
- Axis Aligned Rectangles
- Finite Classes
- VC-Dimension and the Number of Parameters
- The Fundamental Theorem of PAC learning
- Proof of Theorem
- Characterizing Nonuniform Learnability
- Structural Risk Minimization
- Minimum Description Length and Occam’s Razor
- Occam’s Razor
- Other Notions of Learnability – Consistency
- Discussing the Different Notions of Learnability
- The No-Free-Lunch Theorem Revisited
- Summary
- Bibliographic Remarks
- Exercises
- The Runtime of Learning
- Learning -Term DNF
- Efficiently Learnable, but Not by a Proper ERM
- Hardness of Learning*
- Bibliographic Remarks
- Exercises
- Part II From Theory to Algorithms
- Linear Regression
- Least Squares
- Linear Regression for Polynomial Regression Tasks
- Logistic Regression
- Bibliographic Remarks
- Exercises
- The VC-Dimension of L(B, T)
- AdaBoost for Face Recognition
- Bibliographic Re
- xii Contents
- k-Fold Cross Validation
- Train-Validation-Test Split
- What to Do If Learning Fails
- Bibliographic Remarks
- Exercises
- Controlling the Fitting-Stability Tradeoff
- Bibliographic Remarks
- Exercises
- Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Gradient Descent
- Analysis of GD for Convex-Lipschitz Functions
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
- Analysis of SGD for Convex-Lipschitz-Bounded Functions
- Learning with SGD
- SGD for Risk Minimization
- Analyzing SGD for Convex-Smooth Learning Problems
- SGD for Regularized Loss Minimization
- Bibliographic Remarks
- Exercises
- Support Vector Machines
- Margin and Hard-SVM
- Bibliographic Remarks
- Exercises
- Kernel Methods
- Embeddings into Feature Spaces
- The Kernel Trick
- Kernels as a Way to Express Prior Knowledge
- Characterizing Kernel Functions*
- Implementing Soft-SVM with Kernels
- Summary
- Bibliographic Remarks
- Exercises
- Multiclass, Ranking, and Complex Prediction Problems
- One-versus-All and All-Pairs
- Linear Predictors for Ranking
- Bipartite Ranking and Multivariate Performance Measures
- Linear Predictors for Bipartite Ranking
- Bibliographic Remarks
- Exercises
- Nearest Neighbor
- Analysis
- A Generalization Bound for the -NN Rule
- Feedforward Neural Networks
- Learning Neural Networks
- The Expressive Power of Neural Networks
- Geometric Intuition
- The Sample Complexity of Neural Networks
- The Runtime of Learning Neural Networks
- SGD and Backpropagation
- Contents xv
- Online Learnability
- Online Classification in the Unrealizable Case
- Weighted-Majority
- Online Convex Optimization
- The Online Perceptron Algorithm
- Summary
- Bibliographic Remarks
- The k-Means Algorithm
- Spectral Clustering
- Graph Cut
- Graph Laplacian and Relaxed Graph Cuts
- Unnormalized Spectral Clustering
- Information Bottleneck*
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Continuous Random Variables
- Maximum Likelihood and Empirical Risk Minimization
- Linear Discriminant Analysis
- Latent Variables and the EM Algorithm
Size : | 2540.539 Kb |
Downloads: | 282 |
Created: | 2019-05-01 |
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