Download free Haskell tutorial course in PDF, training file in 78 chapters and 230 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.
Table of contents
- About
- Getting started with Haskell Language
- Getting started
- Hello, World!
- Factorial
- Fibonacci, Using Lazy Evaluation
- Primes
- Declaring Values
- Overloaded Literals
- Strings
- Floating Numeral
- Integer Numeral
- List Literals
- Foldable
- De?nition of Foldable
- An instance of Foldable for a binary tree
- Counting the elements of a Foldable structure
- Folding a structure in reverse
- Flattening a Foldable structure into a list
- Performing a side-e?ect for each element of a Foldable structure
- Flattening a Foldable structure into a Monoid
- Checking if a Foldable structure is empty
- Traversable
- De?nition of Traversable
- Traversing a structure in reverse
- An instance of Traversable for a binary tree
- Traversable structures as shapes with contents
- Instantiating Functor and Foldable for a Traversable structure
- Transforming a Traversable structure with the aid of an accumulating parameter
- Transposing a list of lists
- Lens
- Lenses for records
- Manipulating tuples with Lens
- Lens and Prism
- Stateful Lenses
- Lenses compose
- Writing a lens without Template Haskell
- Fields with makeFields
- Classy Lenses
- Traversals
- QuickCheck
- Declaring a property
- Randomly generating data for custom types
- Using implication (==>) to check properties with preconditions
- Checking a single property
- Checking all the properties in a ?le
- Limiting the size of test data
- Overloaded Literals
- Traversable
- QuickCheck
- Free Monads
- IO
- Partial Application
- Category Theory
- Sorting Algorithms
- Monads
- Generalized Algebraic Data Types
- Data.Text
- Strictness
- Functor
- Creating Custom Data Types
- Optimization
- Function composition
- Data.Aeson - JSON in Haskell
- Containers - Data.Map
- Web Development
- Cabal
- Arrows
- Rewrite rules (GHC)
- List Comprehensions
- Google Protocol Buffers
- Phantom types
- Tuples (Pairs, Triples, ...)
- State Monad
- Infix operators
- Parsing HTML with taggy-lens and lens
- Gtk3
- Bifunctor
- Proxies
- Applicative Functor
- Common monads as free monads
- Common functors as the base of cofree comonads
- Arithmetic
- Role
- Arbitrary-rank polymorphism with RankNTypes
- Reader / ReaderT
- Function call syntax
- Logging
- Attoparsec
- zipWithM
- Profunctor
- Type Application
It is a free Haskell ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many Haskell developers and contributors.
The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA
Size : | 1.9 MB |
Downloads: | 81 |
Created: | 2019-04-30 |
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