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Mining Social Media

Download free course Mining Social Media, pdf file on 208 pages by Lam Thuy Vo.
Did fake Twitter accounts help sway a presidential election? What can Facebook and Reddit archives tell us about human behavior? In Mining Social Media, senior BuzzFeed reporter Lam Thuy Vo shows you how to use Python and key data analysis tools to find the stories buried in social media.

Whether you're a professional journalist, an academic researcher, or a citizen investigator, you'll learn how to use technical tools to collect and analyze data from social media sources to build compelling, data-driven stories.

Learn how to:
- Write Python scripts and use APIs to gather data from the social web;
- Download data archives and dig through them for insights;
- Inspect HTML downloaded from websites for useful content;
- Format, aggregate, sort, and filter your collected data using Google Sheets;
- Create data visualizations to illustrate your discoveries;
- Perform advanced data analysis using Python, Jupyter Notebooks, and the pandas library;
- Apply what you've learned to research topics on your own;

Social media is filled with thousands of hidden stories just waiting to be told. Learn to use the data-sleuthing tools that professionals use to write your own data-driven stories.

Table of contents

Pages : 208
Size :
Downloads: 69
Created: 2022-02-03
License: All rights reserved
Author(s): Lam Thuy Vo

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