Download free course iOS Developer Notes for Professionals, pdf file on 893 pages by Stack Overflow Community.
The iOS Developer Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow.
Table of contents
- Getting started with iOS Development
- UILabel
- UILabel text underlining
- attributedText in UILabel
- UIButton
- UIDatePicker
- UILocalNotification
- UIImage
- Convert NSAttributedString to UIImage
- UIImagePickerController
- UIImageView
- Resizing UIImage
- Cut a UIImage into a circle
- UITableView
- UITableViewController
- UIRefreshControl TableView
- UITableViewCell
- Custom methods of selection of UITableViewCells
- Custom methods of selection of UITableViewCells
- UIView
- Snapshot of UIView
- UIAlertController
- UIColor
- UITextView
- UITextField Delegate
- UINavigationController
- UIGestureRecognizer
- UIBarButtonItem
- UIScrollView
- UIStackView
- Dynamically updating a UIStackView
- UIScrollView with StackView child
- UIScrollView AutoLayout
- UITextField
- Custom UITextField
- UIViewController
- UISwitch
- UICollectionView
- UISearchController
- UITabBarController
- UIWebView
- UIActivityViewController
- UIControl - Event Handling with Blocks
- UISplitViewController
- UISlider
- UIStoryboard
- UIPageViewController
- UISplitViewController
- UIFont
- UIDevice
- Make selective UIView corners rounded
- Custom UIViews from XIB files
- UIBezierPath
- UIPickerView
- UIFeedbackGenerator
- UIAppearance
- UIKit Dynamics with UICollectionView
- UIPheonix - easy, flexible, dynamic & highly scalable UI framework
- UIKit Dynamics
- UI Testing
- Change Status Bar Color
- UISegmentedControl
- Passing Data between View Controllers
- Managing the Keyboard
- Checking for Network Connectivity
- Accessibility
- Auto Layout
- MKMapView
- NSArray
- NSAttributedString
- Convert HTML to NSAttributed string and vice verse
- NSTimer
- NSDate
- NSNotificationCenter
- NSURLSession
- NSUserDefaults
- NSHTTPCookieStorage
- NSURLConnection
- NSData
- NSInvocation
- NSUserActivity
- NSPredicate
- NSBundle
- CAAnimation
- Concurrency
- CAGradientLayer
- Safari Services
- CALayer
- iOS - Implementation of XMPP with Robbie Hanson framework
- Swift and Objective-C interoperability
- Custom fonts
- AVSpeechSynthesizer
- Localization
- Alamofire
- iBeacon
- CLLocation
- Checking iOS version
- Universal Links
- PDF Creation in iOS
- In-App Purchase
- CGContext Reference
- Core Location
- FacebookSDK
- AFNetworking
- CTCallCenter
- Push Notifications
- Extension for rich Push Notification - iOS 10.
- Rich Notifications
- Key Value Coding-Key Value Observation
- Initialization idioms
- Storyboard
- Background Modes and Events
- Fastlane
- CAShapeLayer
- WKWebView
- UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)
- Categories
- Handling URL Schemes
- Realm
- ARC (Automatic Reference Counting)
- Dynamic Type
- SWRevealViewController
- DispatchGroup
- GCD (Grand Central Dispatch)
- Size Classes and Adaptivity
- IBOutlets
- Debugging Crashes
- CloudKit
- GameplayKit
- Xcode Build & Archive From Command Line
- XCTest framework - Unit Testing
- AVPlayer and AVPlayerViewController
- Deep Linking in iOS
- Core Graphics
- Segues
- EventKit
- SiriKit
- Contacts Framework
- iOS 10 Speech Recognition API
- StoreKit
- Code signing
- Create .ipa File to upload on appstore with Applicationloader
- Size Classes and Adaptivity
- MKDistanceFormatter
- 3D Touch
- GameCenter Leaderboards
- Keychain
- Handle Multiple Environment using Macro
- Set View Background
- Block
- Content Hugging/Content Compression in Autolayout
- iOS Google Places API
- Navigation Bar
- App wide operations
- CoreImage Filters
- Face Detection Using CoreImage/OpenCV
- MPMediaPickerDelegate
- Graph (Coreplot)
- FCM Messaging in Swift
- Create a Custom framework in iOS
- Custom Keyboard
- AirDrop
- SLComposeViewController
- AirPrint tutorial in iOS
- Carthage iOS Setup
- Healthkit
- Core SpotLight in iOS
- Core Motion
- QR Code Scanner
- plist iOS
- WCSessionDelegate
- AppDelegate
- App Submission Process
- FileHandle
- Basic text file I/O
- MPVolumeView
- Objective-C Associated Objects
- Passing Data between View Controllers (with MessageBox-Concept)
- Cache online images
- Chain Blocks in a Queue (with MKBlockQueue)
- Simulator
- Background Modes
- OpenGL
- MVP Architecture
- Configure Beacons with CoreBluetooth
- Core Data
- Profile with Instruments
- Application rating/review request
- MyLayout
- Simulator Builds
- Simulating Location Using GPX files iOS
- SqlCipher integration
- Security
- App Transport Security (ATS)
- Guideline to choose best iOS Architecture Patterns
- Multicast Delegates
- Using Image Aseets
- Runtime in Objective-C
- ModelPresentationStyles
- CydiaSubstrate tweak
- Create a video from images
- Codable
- Load images async
- Adding a Swift Bridging Header
- Creating an App ID
- Swift: Changing the rootViewController in AppDelegate to present main or login/onboarding flow
Pages : | 893 |
Size : | 14.4 MB |
Downloads: | 106 |
Created: | 2022-02-03 |
License: | CC BY-SA |
Author(s): | Stack Overflow Community |
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