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Flutter Succinctly

Download free course Flutter Succinctly, pdf file on 129 pages by Ed Freitas.
Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK developed by Google with support for both Android and iOS using the same codebase. Written in C, C++, and Dart, and using the Skia Graphics Engine, Flutter also offers a rich set of fully customizable widgets for building native interfaces, including the Material Design library and Cupertino (iOS-flavored) widgets, rich motion APIs, and hot reload. In Flutter Succinctly, Ed Freitas will take you through creating a fully functional app to help you assess whether Flutter is the right choice for your mobile development needs.

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Pages : 129
Size : 4.5 MB
Downloads: 106
Created: 2022-02-02
License: For personal or educational use
Author(s): Ed Freitas

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