This document is a Linux manual in one page ,A summary of useful Linux commands , free training linux course designated to beginners.
Table of contents
- Starting & Stopping
- shutdown -r 5
- shutdown -r now
- Accessing & mounting file systems
- Installing software for Linux
- Finding files and text within files
- The X Window System
- User Administration
- Moving, copying, deleting & viewing files
- User Administration
- Little known tips and tricks
- Configuration files and what they do
- /etc/profile
- /etc/fstab
Excerpt from course
- find / -name fname : Starting with the root directory, look for the file called fname
- find / -name '*fname*' : Starting with the root directory, look for the file containing the string fname
- locate missingfilename : Find a file called missingfilename using the locate command - this assumes you have already used the command updatedb (see next)
- updatedb : Create or update the database of files on all file systems attached to the linux root directory which missingfilename Show the subdirectory containing the executable file called missing file name
- grep : text string to find
- /dir : Starting with the directory called dir , look for and list all files containing text string to find
Size : | 94.28 Kb |
Downloads: | 1152 |
Created: | 2016-01-15 |
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