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Guide to Computer Network Security

Download free course Guide to Computer Network Security, pdf file on 572 pages by Joseph Migga Kizza.
This definitive text/reference on computer network and information security presents a comprehensive guide to the repertoire of security tools, algorithms and best practices mandated by the rapidly evolving ubiquitous technology we are increasingly dependent on. Fully revised and updated, this timely new edition encompasses the latest developments in system resource virtualization, cloud computing models, and mobile computing technology, including a new chapter on the Internet of Things.

Topics and features:
- Highlights the magnitude of the vulnerabilities, weaknesses and loopholes inherent in current computer network technologies;
- Discusses how to develop effective security solutions, protocols, and best practices for the continuously evolving computing environment;
- Examines the role of legislation, regulation, and enforcement in securing computing and mobile systems;
- Describes the burning security issues increasingly brought about by the rapid advances in technologies like the Internet of Things, and the eroding boundaries between enterprise and home networks (NEW);
- Provides both quickly workable and more thought-provoking exercises at the end of each chapter, with one chapter devoted entirely to hands-on exercises;

Supplies additional support materials for instructors at an associated website, including laboratory exercises and projects, answers to selected exercises, and course slides This essential guide serves as both a textbook and a reference "toolbox" on all aspects of cyber security in the ever-evolving computing ecosystem. As such it will prove invaluable to a broad audience from students, researchers and practitioners in computer science and engineering, to data science security personnel and policy makers. Dr. Joseph Migga Kizza is Head and Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and past Director of the Center for Information Security and Assurance at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, TN, USA. Among his other publications are the successful Springer textbooks Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age and Ethics in Computing: A Concise Module.

Table of contents

Pages : 572
Size : 5.3 MB
Downloads: 169
Created: 2022-02-02
License: CC BY
Author(s): Joseph Migga Kizza

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