Complete tutorial to learn HTML5 - Whatever your level, this course is for you. Whether you're new to website design or already mastering xHTML and / or HTML 4.01, discover the power of HTML5.
Each chapter is written concisely and comprehensively by all. They are divided into searchable topics independently according to your level and your knowledge. Each detailed point is included in a concrete example and some are accompanied by online searchable demo.
What is HTML5 for?
HTML5 is the basic language for creating a website. HTML5 is used to structure your content. Although it is relatively simple, you will still need it. So, whether you are going into a small personal site or a very big project (a little risky without much knowledge ...), you will have to use HTML5.
Learning HTML5 is one thing, mastering it well is another.
HTML5 is a language inspired by XML and based on the principle of nested tags. In summary, it is used to indicate to the browser (internet explorer, firefox, safari ...) how to display the web page. Imagine that you wanted to create a site with a single page or it would just be written "Hello." You will need to write lines of HTML5 codes to tell the browser to display your text.
As the HTML5 works on the principle of nested tags, we will framed our text by two tags: The first to indicate the beginning and the second to indicate the end. To display text in HTML5, we often use the tag to indicate that it is a paragraph. Even to write only one sentence, we use this tag.
Which will give us the following line of code: <p>bonjour</p>
The line of code above is very simple to understand. We open a first <p> tag to tell the browser that it should display the text that follows and then close the tag by adding the symbol / (slash). The <p> tag indicates a paragraph. P means Paragraph in English. All the text between these two tags will appear on the screen.
HTML5 is mainly used to display a content (text, image, video, animation ...). This content is prioritized by tags. For example for a title we use relative tags (<h1>, <h2>, <h3> ...), same for the text (<p>, <a> to make a link ....), Multimedia (<img > for the images ...).
Each tag has logical use in structuring the document. The choice of tags is essential and the search engines use it to classify and position your web pages on request. It is therefore very important to pay particular attention to their choice. For example, for a quote, we do not use a <p> tag (paragraph) but a <blockquote> tag. If the rendering on display is the same, for the interpretation of the browser but especially search engines it is not at all the same.
For simplicity, HTML5 is primarily used to:
- Display a content (text, image, ...)
- Create hypertext links and link pages together
- Structured a document (title, paragraph ...)
- Tell the browser what to display
- To index your web page in the search engine (choice of tag, keyword ...)
Although we have not touched on the subject, it is also used to:
- Give information to the browser on the management of the page (cache management, refresh ...)
- Give information to the browser on the page (title, keyword, language, country, copyright ...)
The benefits of HTML5
The main advantage of HMLT5 is its relative simplicity. Because if he learns very quickly, well mastering it requires a little more time. It is perfect for beginners because very quickly you will be able to create web pages with text, images, videos ...
HTML5 has only one hundred tags. What is little, and rest assured, you will not need to know them all. Just know that they exist.
Another advantage of HTML5 is its compatibility. Since the different browser editors (microsoft, mozilla ...) have come closer, the portability between them is much better than for previous versions of HTML. When you code a page in HTML5, theoretically, it will be displayed in the same way whatever the browser (firefox, opera, internet explorer ...), the OS (windows, mac, linux ...) and the support (pc, smartphone , Tablet …).
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