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SQL Server Backup and Restore

Download free course SQL Server Backup and Restore, pdf file on 381 pages by Shawn McGehee.
In this book, you'll discover how to perform each of these backup and restore operations using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), basic T-SQL scripts and Redgate's SQL Backup tool. Capturing backups using SSMS or simple scripts is perfectly fine for one-off backup operations, but any backups that form part of the recovery strategy for any given database must be automated and you'll also want to build in some checks that, for example, alert the responsible DBA immediately if a problem arises. The tool of choice in this book for backup automation is Redgate's SQL Backup Pro. Building your own automated solution will take a lot of work, but we do offer some advice on possible options, such as PowerShell scripting, T-SQL scripts and SQL Server Agent jobs

Table of contents

Pages : 381
Size : 24.4 MB
Downloads: 115
Created: 2022-02-03
License: For personal or educational use
Author(s): Shawn McGehee

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